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The story of Peden Home Style Bakery is a smple one, but goes back a long time.  I was following my sister around the house one day that we grew up in.  My Mom was about to teach my sister how to bake from scratch chocolate chip cookie and I followed my sister into the kitchen.  After a while Mom asked me if I wanted to learn how to bake and I said I did.  The first thing my Mom taught me how to make were chocolate chip cookies, I was 8 years old and I was hooked for life on baking.  Fast forward almost 25 years later and I was working at a dead end job and not liking what I was doing.  The company on occation had pot lucks that I would bring lemon bars to as they were very popular with my co-workers.  After one pot luck before leaving a person from our presidents line sees me with my empty container and offered to pay me to make lemon bars for him, a month later another person asked me about lemon bars and when I was going to make them again.  I got to thinking that there might be something there, after talking with my parents and having additional conversations with my sister and brother, my brother had said something to me that changed my mind about wanting to do a bakery.  I had never thought about doing a bakery because it would take something that I did for a hobby and turn it into work, this was my line of thinking, my brother stated to me during one conversation "You like baking so much that if you did this you're not going to stop baking for the family, if anything you will bake more because you are going to want to show off new recipes." My brother was right I got together a menu of 10 items that consisted mostly of cookies and bars. This was the very humble beginings of what is turning into Peden Home Style Bakery. 

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